Sunday, May 27, 2012

DAY 29: "Who's On My Team?"

So, at the risk of dredging up painful childhood memories, what were your playground experiences like?  When it was time to line up along the wall or fence and choose teams for whatever the popular game was at your school - were you picked right away...or dead-last?  Team-captains on the playground know what the winning strategy is: pick the strongest, fastest kids first.  Sorry if that wasn't you.

Thankfully, in real life, success doesn't come down to who is the biggest or fastest - but it still matters who you have on your team.  We've already established that you'll never fulfill God's DREAM for your life if you go it alone, so it stands to reason that you carefully consider who is on your DREAM-team.

You have thought about that, right?  Well, if not, then now is the time - but this time you are the team-captain and you get to decide who will join you in the pursuit.  This time, however, you aren't looking for the ones who can throw the ball harder or more accurately, rather, it's the ones whose strengths will help you in your DREAM-pursuit.  Imagine your DREAM-team similar to an athletic team: there are various roles and positions, each with their unique contribution to the overall success.  You don't need a team full of quarterbacks, and a team populated with cheerleaders might be encouraging - but it will it be effective?

This is your chance to unashamedly pick the people you think will help you "win."  Your DREAM-team is a very different group than your stakeholders (though, obviously, if someone is on your DREAM-team they are definitely stakeholders!).   Your DREAM-team is by-invitation-only and you don't need to feel bad that not everyone will make that team.  So, what if they don't want to join your DREAM-team?  Then they don't.  It IS that simple.  You'll find, however, that if you consider the people carefully and communicate effectively that most of the people you try to recruit will be excited to join.

Now, start assembling your DREAM-team!

Today's ACTION STEP is all about picking our team-members.  Approach this task from two sides:
1) Who will be on your team?  Consider the people who are obvious choices (immediate family, closest friends, etc.).
2) What roles do you need on your team?  Don't limit yourself to people you already know or you run the risk of missing a key role on your team.  Don't panic if you cannot identify a person who could fill a specific role - remember, this is God's DREAM for your life, He will bring the right people along at the right time if you keep looking for them.

Make a list and a strategy for recruiting your DREAM-team (keep in mind the ACTION STEPS from the last several days). 

Tomorrow we'll grab the carving knife and start making time in our daily and weekly life for the pursuit. 

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