Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DAY 45: "Input From the Stakeholders"

Did you ever go on car-trips as a family when you were growing up?  If you did, what type of driver did you have?  Whether it was your father or mother or a grandparent that drove -the question is really this: did they take into account the needs of the passengers?  When you needed to stop and take a break or pee - did they even care?  At the risk of taking today's post in a strange direction let me tell you that I have a steel bladder.  I bet you're happy to know that, aren't you?  What it means is this: when I'm the one driving on a trip I don't need to stop along the way - I'd rather conquer the mileage than visit the rest-stops.  My family has learned that they need to inform me when they need a stop - because I won't otherwise.

Taking into account those who are along for the ride with us is an important step.  Remember your stakeholders?  Those people who are along for the ride with you in this DREAM-pursuit?  Way back on Day 26 of the 60 Days of Dreaming challenge you took the time to identify the stakeholders who would be affected by your DREAM-pursuit.  Maybe you should try to be a considerate driver and check in with those passengers, huh? 

When you first set out on this trip they were probably fairly excited for you, maybe a little apprehensive, but likely somewhat encouraging - that could be because it was all theoretical at that point.  What you were about to do might impact them - and it might not - who knew for sure?  Now that you've taken active steps forward and been through some of the implementation phase it is no longer a mystery how it affects them. 

Their perspective having watched you get to this point is very valuable.  What have they seen you excel at?  What have they seen you fumble around with?  What impact have they noticed the pursuit having upon your general disposition?  Now that they've watched you for a while, does their understanding of God's DREAM for your life make more sense?  Does it seem even crazier?  While you're in this adjustment phase, considering what changes you should be making to your strategy and Written Plan, don't neglect the voices of those who have the most vested interest in you and in your DREAM-pursuit.  Your stakeholders probably have some very real opinions by this point and you'll want to give them a chance to share those - or you might end up with a mutiny from the backseat!

I bet that by now you're starting to figure out how to predict what the ACTION STEPS for each day might be, huh?

Today, check in with your stakeholders and bring them up-to-speed on your progress if they aren't already aware.  Let them know what has been working and what has been a frustration.

Ask for their input - specifically any recommended adjustments they think would be helpful.

Tomorrow we'll throw the whole DREAM up on the lift and take a look at how well it's tracking.   

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