Wednesday, June 20, 2012

DAY 53: "Straight-On 'Til Morning?"

I'm a big fan of cruise-control while I drive.  I like the ability to "set-it-and-forget-it" when the open road beckons in front me.  I can't wait for the day when our steering will have a similar capability.  Can you imagine how nice it will be to simply punch in your destination and let the car drive itself?  Maybe not always, but when you're on a routine trip or a boring stretch of road...

While you're deep into the task of evaluating your progress on the DREAM-pursuit, one of the valid conclusions you might come to is that you are, in fact, heading nicely in the right direction.  You've got your hands on the wheel, so you can make minor corrections as needed; you know where the brake and gas pedals are - so, what's wrong with heading straight on?  Not a thing.

Sometimes we need to have the ability (and self-permission?) to put our heads down (nose to the grindstone, if you prefer) and just crank along the path laid out before us - only looking up to see how much ground we've covered.  Don't feel guilty about it if you think you can cover a large amount of "distance" on your DREAM that way.  There is no such thing as Auto-pilot when we're pursuing God's DREAM for our life - but there may be long stretches that don't demand a lot of focused concentration.

If you feel comfortable with the pace and the direction you're headed, and you aren't in danger of deviating off-course, then go ahead, set the cruise-control and head straight-on 'til morning!

Today you'll want to have your journal close at hand and get away to a quiet or secluded place.

It's time to again give God a chance to weigh-in very significantly on our DREAM-pursuit.  Spend some time asking for the Lord to highlight in your heart and mind the facets of your DREAM-pursuit that are keeping in line with His will and design; ask Him also to show you areas that need adjusting (or dropping altogether).

I have found that when we give Him the chance to speak to our heart and mind that He does so, even if it takes several minutes for us to clear out the "noise" in our minds before we can sense and hear Him clearly.

Tomorrow we'll begin the next-to-last phase of the 60 Days of Dreaming challenge - and we'll get ready to celebrate! 

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