Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DAY 52: "Checking in with the Coach"

Whenever we set out to attempt something new (or at least beyond our norm) we have a tendency to want to hide our attempt - just in case we don't succeed as well as we'd hoped - that way we can limit potential embarrassment.  That is, of course, ridiculous!  There really is no such thing as "getting it right on the first try."  Especially when it comes to pursuing God's DREAM for our lives.  If it were that simple and fool-proof we'd have jumped on this train long ago, right?

It's totally natural to keep early attempts somewhat to yourself - but be careful, you might be missing out on opportunities for valuable input and feedback from others.  One person that you had better be completely forthright with is your coach - that person whom you have given permission to speak the sometimes harsh truth to you; that person whose task is to push you beyond yourself and draw your best (and beyond) efforts out of you.

The time has come for you to get their input and evaluation of your progress so far.  Be sure to ask them the tough questions and give them permission to give you the painful truth if need be.  What should you ask them?  That's up to you and what you would like to know, but for starters, you might think about asking them questions such as:

Do you see me pursuing this DREAM wholeheartedly?  
Have you noticed any glaring weaknesses or shortcomings in my pursuit so far?
What areas do you think I am slacking-off or cutting corners?
Where do you think I am excelling?  What are my strengths that you've seen?

Get the idea?  Now go check in with your coach - they might have a lot to say!      
Check in with your coach or mentor.  Fill them in on your progress; let them read your thoughts and observations from the last several days; ask for their input and evaluation on specific areas (if they are qualified to do so); ask if they see any glaring holes or weaknesses in your pursuit that you haven't noticed.

Remember that your coach isn't supposed to be your Cheerleader - they are there to push you beyond your best.  Remind them of this if you need to.

Be certain to write down their input.
Tomorrow we'll scan the horizon, check our heading, and set the sails. 

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